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Showing posts from November, 2015

Race Report: 2015 Ironman ARIZONA

the Utah gals after the pro meeting - love them!  I have a love-hate relationship with this race.  Love : the people, my homestay, the weather, FRIENDS, downtown Tempe Hate : Tempe Town Lake, the bike course, the run course.  I basically love everything ABOUT this race, just not the race ITSELF. Ha!  After living in Flagstaff, AZ, for 5 years, this is a bit of a home-town race for me (I watched and cheered in 2011, 2012, 2013 and  raced in 2014 ) which makes everything pre- and post-race an absolute BLAST. Lots of friends and teammates in town to meet up with! I really like the Tempe vibe. BUT I try to mostly stay away from the hullabaloo before the race except for a little glimpse here and there which is enough to get me FIRED UP!  I enjoy traveling to races by myself and am always up for a solo adventure to a new location.   Ironman CDA  in June was quite the trip and I learned a lot about myself.  Vineman   (now Ironman Santa Rosa)  only a month later was

The Lead-Up to Ironman Arizona

I may be better at taking actual leaps than leaps of faith...  As I sit here with my feet up getting ready for Ironman Arizona in a couple of days, I want to take a few minutes and reflect on the last few weeks and how I am feeling going into this race. I hope to do this more often because it can be difficult to objectively look at a build-up for a race AFTER the race already took place and you know the outcome.   After a week away from home at Silverman 70.3 and in Arizona , we all got back into our daily routines which I love just as much as mixing it up and traveling. Kids are in school, Karl is writing his dissertation, and I am in training. Afternoons are spent at the soccer fields, with friends, on adventures, or playing at home. Six more weeks until Ironman Arizona and I am feeling good! I usually swim before the kids wake up, and then run and/or bike while they are at school. It's been a great fall in Utah so far and only the last couple of weeks have been ge