View from my bike: I have come to truly love the desert! In February it was time for The Great Escape down south where the skies are blue, the sun is warm, and the pools are outside! But why Phoenix ? Good question, considering I refused to set foot in (and anywhere near that city) for over a year when we first moved to Flagstaff! It seemed ugly, huge, boring, and terrible for training. St. George (3.5 hours south) wasn't going to cut it. I tried that in January and it didn't go so well. I love that place but winter is a bit too iffy for my taste. 5 layers on top. Not my idea of fun. However, this Coeur jacket rocks! Las Vegas (6 hours south) is always a good option but I need some more friends and training buddies there that will show me the best secret spots before coming for camp. Anyone? Phoenix (9 hours south) was the winner because (in that order): FRIENDS WEATHER* OUTDOOR POOLS SOUTH MOUNTAIN (riding and t...
Mom of 2 Wild Boys, Wife to a PhD Student, Professional Triathlete