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Nope, I am not going back to school to get a Masters. I would like to but it is not very high on my priority list at the moment. Neither is Karl. He already has one and is currently looking into PhD programs for next fall.

I did, however, join the Orem Masters Swim Team. I am now a Masters Swimmer.

Sounds like I am old . I am old. But guess what? In swimming, age does not matter so much. Everyone on the team that is faster than me is also older than me. By at least 10 years. That still leaves me some time to improve. Maybe.

I had been swimming at BYU for 8 years, when they decided to be mean and not let me into their pool anymore. Swimming is the most difficult logistically. And I am hard to please. Provo does not have any good options. Unless I want to get up at 4:30 am and elbow my way through a crowded pool.

Finally I decided it might be worth two weekly trips to Orem plus $35 a month to swim in a 50 meter pool and to have a coach. And it sure is! I love, love, love having a coach. Even if he says things like

"Ok, now for our main set: six times four twenty-fives at thirty two fifties at sixty two one hundreds at one thirty one two hundred at three with twenty seconds rest in between"

all in one breath. Did you get it? At first I as very confused, but now I am getting the hang of it. I guess it is 'swimmer language' and I had not been a swimmer in a long time.

Did I mention the score board? The first few times I was there, I did not even notice it. I was too busy figuring out what I was supposed to be doing. Now, I love it. It tells me everything I need to know without having to wear a watch. Good thing. My watch battery has been dead for more than a week.

So. I guess my point is: Swimming is so much more fun now! I am really enjoying it. I don't have to come up with my own lame work-outs anymore and I might even be able to have a three-word conversation with a team mate in between sets. Amazing! Never mind that it starts at 5:30 am ...

Now, I just need a biking and running coach. Any volunteers? Unfortunately, our budget is very limited.

PS: Excuse the lame pictures. I feel dorky taking a camera to swim practice. Really dorky.


JessWilson said…
I'm so glad that you have a fun place to swim - even if it is at 5:30 in the morning! :)
Jamie Pearson said…
have I told you that I am jealous because I am. There used to be a masters program here but when they closed the pools for a little bit their program fell through. I want to get back into swimming shape and have a coach. I agree its so much better than coming up with your own work out.
Smart Helm said…
They have a masters swim thing here but I just can't get up so early in the morning. I'm impressed with ur dedication!

I wouldn't take my camera to swim practice, what if it got wet? I don't even take my phone with me!

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