Baggersee Weingarten
Let's see.... I've been in Germany now for 4 weeks and have had the privilege to swim in 5 different lakes. Let me count how many times I have swum in a lake in Arizona since moving there 2 years ago... That would be 1 time in Lake Mary during the MountainMan. And I am not planning on swimming in it again until this year's MountainMan. As you might have already guessed:
I am in heaven!
Baggersee Weingarten
So are the kids. Appropriately dressed in German swim wear.
That's my mom next to me in the picture above. You see where I get it... Growing up we would either go on a hike or bike ride every weekend and take a dip in various lakes along the way. Good memories!
My niece Lynn at Bad Waldsee
This lake was especially fun. It was basically at the center of a beautiful old little town. I saw people walk out their front door and go for a little swim. No motorized anything allowed as on most lakes here. Platforms to hang out on and jump off of. They even had a diving board going into the lake. Noah and I had a blast!
Noah at Immenried See
Swimming in a lake during a race is one thing. Training in one all by myself is very different. I am a chicken. I scream like a little girl when anything touches me. I also have visions of dead cows at the bottom of the lake. Twice I jumped at the chance to swim with random triathletes that I saw going for the lake. Never mind that once I was still in my tankini while they were all geared up in their wetsuits. Anything to have some company while swimming in open water. I've actually only worn my wetsuit 2 out of 6 lake swims. The water is fairly warm and I like it simple.
Enjoying an evening dip in the lake
All my workouts since the last race 2 weeks ago have been quality workouts for the mind. No structure, no plan. Just doing what I love and enjoying myself. It feels so good! Beautiful country side and ample opportunities to ride my bike for (a couple of) hours through little towns and over rolling hills is certainly helpful!
Obersee in Kisslegg*
I'll be honest. Not having Karl around for so long sucks. Don't let me fool you. It's been great but also very challenging. But I believe in making the best of every situation. No time for complaining!
No we are off again to go to the outdoor pool. We will be the only ones there (except for about 45 old people swimming their daily laps) since it's fairly cool. We will be jumping on the tramp, playing lots of soccer, digging in the sand, playing on the pirate ship, and maybe even getting in the water. Then I will attempt to swim a few laps while my kids hopefully won't drown themselves. Wish me luck!**
* Yep. That would be me with braided hair. Thanks to my sister!
** German pools don't have life guards. Nobody there to tell you what to do or enforce pointless rules. Love it!