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BAM - My Race Report

Sorry. This is the only picture I have.

I was able to stand on the podium in 1st place again!

But this race was a little different from all the others this season. I did not lead the race from start to finish. And actually, believe it or not, that is just what I had hoped for. I told Karl before the race that I was really hoping for some tough competition. If that meant I was not going to win, so be it! I was ready to be pushed hard and give it my very best.

Thanks to the great preparation of my coaches, Heath and Mahogani, I was feeling better and stronger than I had all season. It sure makes me work harder if I am accountable to someone else. I had also gone up and checked out the course with Heath and my teammate, Missy. It was great to have Heath talk us through the bike course and give us pointers about where to push it and where to give the legs a little break.

Well, I got what I'd asked for. At least for the swim and bike.

Right from the start there were two girls ahead of me. Amanda Meredith-Dunlop and a girl I did not know. Jannalyn Luttrell. Now I know. I was really trying to stay with them and managed to do so until we ran into the (slower) men who started 5 minutes ahead of us. Then it is all just a big mess and I lost them. This always happens and it's kind of annoying. But I guess I will take that over having to start with the guys. Maybe.

I felt good during the swim. Not great but good. Except for the times when I could not see a thing. For about 1/3 of the 1500m swim the sun was right in our eyes. Nothing new. But while it is then usually very difficult to sight, this time it was impossible. I did not even see the last buoy until I ran into it. Literally. The second time around I was so lost, I did a lot of breaststroke until a guy in his canoe yelled at me to go left.

Same conditions for everyone though and as I ran into T1 I realized that Mandy was right next to me. Passed her in transition and, honestly, I figured I would catch Jannalyn shortly thereafter. Well, I did not.

The bike was fun. Nice, hilly course but very crowded. It sure is nice to have some company but that was a little too much. After 3/4 of the ride I still had not seen the first girl. I was not sure
if I had missed her (among all the sprint people and relays) or if she was still out in front somewhere.

Was I worried? Actually, no. Not at all. Weird. It was fun to be chasing someone down for a change. I was having a good day and was ready to kill myself on the run. If I can give it my best and have a good day and don't place first, hats off to whoever is faster! If she is a professional, it does not count anyway :-) I guess I have gained quite some confidence (and/or pride) over the last few years. I just figured that she was either a pro or I would be able to catch her. Cocky, I know. But I am trying to be honest here.

A few miles before T2 one of my favorite racing buddies, Beth Melville, came flying by. She was looking awesome! But I also knew that she was injured and would not be able to run. So I just tried to stay with her. I had not seen her in a few years and was really excited that we finally met up again!

I love this run! My favorite 10k. Maybe ever. Hot. Very hilly. On trail. Beautiful! 2 loops. Hard. The harder, the better.

It also helps when your legs come around and you are feeling pretty fresh. I was lucky! I (finally) caught Jannalyn within the first mile of the run. I knew that XTERRA pro Erin Swenson and super runner Leslie Howlett were hot on my heels, so I just tried to hang on and stay focused. Kinda hard when you are having so much fun.

I was really happy with my run. Fastest run of the day in 45:30. Considering the conditions, I will take it!

This race pretty much concluded my 2010 season. Very sad but true. We are now living in Flagstaff, AZ and training is temporarily on the back burner. Well, sort of. Gotta enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery before the cold and snow hits.

Thank you everyone for your support and friendship. It was a fantastic weekend!

Special thanks to: PowerTri, Heath and Mahogani, Karl, and Jen!


Leslie said…
You are such a stud, and it's an honor to chase you. Someday my friend, someday :)

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