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Deuces Wild Triathlon Festival - Join the Party!

This is an invitation to all of my friends to join us on the first weekend in June in Show Low, Arizona, for the Deuces Wild Triathlon Festival!

There is a race for everyone:
  • Deuceman Long Course
  • Olympic Distance - I am registered for this one!
  • XTERRA Deuces Wild - Karl is up for another triathlon. Yay!
  • Youth Deuceathon - Max and Noah are already stoked about the kids race. 
Plus, there is the option for relays! Each race can be competed in as a 2- or 3-person relay. See? There really is no excuse why you can't come play with us in this beautiful part of Arizona! The Half and the Olympic are on Saturday morning, the Kids Duathlon is on Saturday afternoon, and Karl gets to race in the XTERA on Sunday morning. Perfect timing! 

Yes. I realize that the race is put on by my sponsor but that's not the only reason I want you to come! Karl and I already reserved a beautiful camping spot right by the lake and we would love nothing more than to have a whole bunch of friends join us for a super fun weekend!

Noah's first triathlon

I even have a 10% off coupon code for you: TeamRefer. Price doesn't increase until April 30th but I still think you should register soon! And if you have any questions or need to borrow any equipment, let me know. I would love to help! 

Max is thrilled for his first race. We are slackers because the kid is turning 5 this summer and has yet to do his first race? What is going on? Well. I guess he has done one. But that one didn't go so well... Noah completed is first triathlon when he was 3 years old (read about it here) and then had the chance to do another one at the age of 4 (his story is here) and one in Moab in 2011 (here). So he is basically a veteran. Except that he can't really swim yet and refuses to take swimming lessons. Ha! So it's rather convenient that the one in June is a run-bike-run. Because Max felt left out he came up with his own little triathlon last summer which was quite entertaining and he tells you all about it here

You want to know how I feel about kids getting into triathlon at a young age? Well, since you asked... I have no intentions of pushing my kids into any kind of sport. The only requirement in the Jarvis household is that they need to be physically active and spend as much time outside as possible.  Noah has found his passion for soccer already and Karl and I couldn't be more excited! We are all about encouraging our boys and open up as many possibilities for them as we can but ultimately it's their decision what sport they want to get involved in. And I really hope it's not going to be triathlon until they are out of the house and self-sufficient. Because, let's face it, it's a ridiculously expensive sport and I am not willing to share our family's (very small) gear and racing budget... :-)


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