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Bikini Camp and A Little Race

the road to Bartlett Lake

Since we are moving at the end of May, I am running out of weekends to do all of the fun stuff that I was hoping to squeeze in before leaving! At all times, I have at least 3 different adventures that I am dreaming about and trying to make happen. It's what keeps me going day to day. Don't get me wrong, I like every day life. I enjoy 'the grind'. I am all about routine. But the BEST part is breaking out of it and chasing that which fills my heart and soul to the brim. 

I love being a mom and a wife. It brings me so much happiness. But it's not all that I am. And I am extremely grateful for a husband who understands my need for independence and lets me fly knowing I will come back. 

early morning at Bartlett Lake

Karen and I had been dreaming for a while about Bikini Camp where we camp in her VW van, train all day, and run around in bikinis the rest of the time. This is the kind of stuff we come up with sitting on trainers for hours during snowstorms. I mean, it's only taken me 34 years to feel comfortable even dare to wear a bikini, so I clearly need to make up for lost time! 

Karen testing out the waters

But, alas, it wasn't quite meant to be. Coach didn't let me scratch the Marquee Triathlon, the Westy was having starter issues, and I was so smashed from training (and life) that I couldn't get my butt into gear. Sometimes the 'glorious life' of a triathlete includes standing in the aisle of the grocery store, bent over the car, list in hand, having no idea why I am in this place. So I call The Husband to tell him we aren't leaving until early Saturday morning only to have to cut the conversation short because... "Sorry, honey, I am too tired to hold the phone to my ear any longer." True story. How lame is that?!? Good thing the kids can read on their own now and all I need to do is lie on the floor next to them for some quality family time! 

not a bad morning for a swim

Saturday morning at 6am, Karen and I embarked on 36 hours of fun! That might not seem like a lot but, boy, can we make every minute count! That girl is without a doubt the best thing that happened to me during our time in Flagstaff. Even if she is just as much of a wuss when it comes to open water swimming than I am! 

one big orca and one little orca

As we squeeze ourselves into our wetsuits and put on swim caps, I hear Karen exclaim: 

- Dang it!!! -
- Oh no! Did your cap rip? -
- No. It DIDN'T rip! -

Haha. That girl cracks me up. I am pretty much in a constant fit of laughter on these trips. But - too bad - I wasn't going to let her off the hook because there was NO WAY I was swimming in this lake all by myself. And, of course, once we started it wasn't half bad and we made it an entire hour without freaking out with only a few screams here and there. 

The unspoken rule of Bikini Camp is that you must wear your bikini whenever appropriate possible. And, yes, that includes getting your bike ready in the parking lot. 

While Karen had the pleasure of climbing back up from the lake, I obeyed Coach's orders and drove to a flat spot to meet Karen for a little pre-race ride. But not without stopping every 5 minutes and waiting for Karen to come by so I could cheer and take pictures. About time I practice my spectating and photography skills! 

killing it as usual 

After a little run and the obligatory stop at Trader Joe's, we were off to... swim again! 

My happy place!

There is no public outdoor pool in Flagstaff, so coming down to Phoenix and swimming outside NEVER gets old! Ok, it might have just been an excuse to hang out in bikinis some more but we did get in a few minutes of solid swimming. Half-pool sprints in all shapes and forms are my new favorite thing to do pre-race and they always work! 

 Other activities include: 

Lying on the lounge chair with my head where the feet are supposed to go and my feet straight up in the air. 
Checking out innocent older men who turn out to not be nearly as hot as we had originally thought. 
Figuring out that Justin Bieber is indeed NOT singing about hysterectomies. 

me and my Fuji

We made it to packet pick-up and bike check-in with a couple of minutes to spare! I may not know a lot but, after 17 years of competing in triathlons, I know how to get in and out of these places FAST. I don't think Karen even turned the car off... 

ready to roll

We got super lucky this time! Our good friends, Paul and Tess, own a condo right across the street from Tempe Beach Park and they let us stay with them for the night! It really doesn't get any more convenient or any more fun! I was finally able to check out Z Tejas, Paul's favorite place that I had heard so much about, and we had a great time visiting and telling stories.

little black Coeur Sports kit

The good thing about short-distance triathlons is that they are over with in no-time! Even after I had showered and eaten an early lunch, it was only 9:30 in the morning! Still so much time left to play!!!

The bad thing is that - because they are short - you are supposed to go FAST! It's hard for this diesel engine to find a fast gear but I certainly tried! All 2 hours and 10 minutes long! I kept repeating Coach's words in my head: If you start to feel comfortable, go harder

Life Time Tri Marquee Olympic 2015

What can I say? I had a blast!!! I truly love racing! Even when, once again, my main source of entertainment on the bike is yelling over and over again at a couple of cheaters to STOP DRAFTING! And yes, it's always fun to win! Even when you don't have time to stay for awards because you have a play date at 10am that you don't want to miss! 

a good day to ride

Nothing like a little post-race ride over to South Mountain with your favorite girl, who had completely failed in her spectating 'duties' which shall be blamed on Z Tejas' margaritas the night before, and the double world champ, who finally got his rainbow socks out of the drawer and wears them proudly now! 

just out for a Sunday stroll

And whaddya know? We found our favorite German and Russian there also! Those guys are always up for some fun on and off the bike!

Photo credit: P. Bless

There was only one thing missing from this day still: An opportunity to wear our bikinis! But, don't worry, I will always find a pool to swim in! And if the girls at the front desk tell us: Sorry! It's free today but only if you are with a member. Then we will just make friends with the next guy who walks in and - voila! - another awesome swim opportunity to practice our synchronized swimming and underwater laughing skills. 

love my mermaid bikini

We sang our hearts out to Alanis Morissette (just in case we ever HAVE to sing karaoke - we are ready!) in the car and made it home in time for dinner. I couldn't feel more blessed to have weekends like this and then come home to my family! My life certainly isn't all sunshine and lollipops but it's pretty dang good!


Karen said…
I kind of hate you for posting these terrible pictures of me, but I guess you can't help what I look like!!!!

Awesome trip. Good times. I still say you missed your true calling as a synchronized swimmer.

Love you!!!!!

xoxoxoxoxo k
Tess said…
Karen, you couldn't look "terrible" if you tried! Fabulous pics of both of you! So proud that you take the time to carve out these moments of awesomeness in your busy lives. We will miss you, Sarah!
Sarah Jarvis said…
I totally agree with Tess! I think these pics look fabulous! Otherwise I would've never posted them!!!

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