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When the wheels come off...

(some of) NAU Masters

I know I have been racing pretty well lately. I also know that I have plenty of workouts where I don't even come close to nailing it. Some days I feel like crap the minute I leave the house and would rather go back home than keep running or biking. Monday was one of those days...

I took the week after Boise pretty easy. Lots of fun workouts, very little structure. I absolutely love having a coach and a plan but I am also a big fan of just going out and doing whatever I feel like. The next week was still pretty low-key. Partly because Karl was out of town, partly because I was still enjoying a nice little mid-season break. Then I had a couple of good training days and was ready to get back at it. Or so I thought.

Monday actually started out better than anticipated. I was excited to be back with the NAU Masters and we even had 2 famous visitors:

Leanda Cave, triathlon world champion.
Thorsten Abel, Leanda's husband and successful German pro triathlete.

Wow. I was so busy staring at them swimming in the lane next to me that I don't remember much about the workout. (Except for a 500m hard kick set without fins.) These guys are super stars! I did talk to Leanda some in the shower and maybe next time I will come up with something smart to say to Thorsten as well. I mean, he is German after all. How hard can it be? I heard they will be in town for another month, so I've got some time...

This is the other workout Coach M gave me:

10 Mile T Run
2 miles easy @ 8:00
3 miles @ 6:30
3 minutes easy
2 miles @ 6:30
2 minutes easy
1 mile @ 6:30
2 miles easy
I love this workout for you!

Thank you for your confidence, Coach M! But I am not sure I can pull this one off... What does the T stand for anyway? Threshold? Tempo? Terrible? Total exhaustion? Not sure...

I had been anticipating/dreading this run for days and was going to do my very best to nail it. 4 pm is not my favorite time to run but I can't be too picky. So I tried to eat smart throughout the day, took a short power nap (after swimming lessons and skatepark fun), and even immersed my (already tired) legs into an ice bath before the run.

I was supposed to feel good! And I did - for about the first mile (which was all downhill). Once I hit the (wide, rather smooth) city trail I thought:

Craptastic! This run is going to suck!

And it did - for the next 9 miles. The plan called for a total of 6 miles at 6:30 pace and I managed to run 1 mile at 6:50 pace. It only got worse after that...

I am really glad Coach M is loving this workout for me
because I sure am hating every single minute of it!

All I wanted to do was lie down in the grass and cry. No joke. But I had this tiny hope that my legs (and/or mind) would come around at some point. They never did. Instead, Leanda Cave came around a corner going the opposite direction on the trail. It took me a minute or two to realize that turning around and chasing her was my best bet at running a decent pace. So I did. Unfortunately, she left the trail after a mile and I was alone again.

Ever had a workout like that?

By now I have a few ideas why I felt so horrible that day. But the truth is: a lot of my long, faster runs leave a lot to be desired. Running is mentally much more difficult for me than biking. Why? Here is what I came up with during a (single-track) trail run on Saturday:
  • I simply do not enjoy running on the road.
  • I especially dislike running on the road by myself.
  • I hate running on the road by myself at a fast pace.
I am glad I figured that out. Since I am not ready to switch over to off-road triathlons quite yet, I am going to put some serious effort into finding running partners. Even though we live in a Runner's Mecca, it might be difficult, but I am determined. Wish me luck. (Or join me if you live in Flagstaff and this sounds like fun.)

10 more weeks until Vegas. I hope the wheels are on tight and won't come loose again until after September 11th!


wilson4 said…
I want to say something inspiring to you after this post, but I'm just laughing. I think you just had to get that out. I hope you find a running partner. You are still my virtual partner. Have a great holiday!
Leslie said…
You're an amazing athlete and even with a bad day (which is slightly refreshing to hear you're human, which is something I hate when people say about me, sorry) you just know how to fight threw it and carry on. Put it behind you, we all have off days. I know it's hard not to nail workouts you really want to. I have no worries a not nailed workout like this is and will be a rarity for you. Glad you got to go out on a trail run, just go kick your own butt on the bike and you'll feel better I bet :)
Gaby Jensen said…
I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one who does the whole "turn around and follow a stranger if their pace looks better than yours" technique! I've always felt mildy creepy for doing it, and I've definitely got some concerned backwards glances from my unknowing running buddy, but it works! Thanks for honestly sharing your so-so workout Sara,it gave me some reassurance about my creative pacing ideas!
CRAPTASTIC! You are hilarias.
Hilarious. I am an amazing speller.

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