(This race report actually has 3 parts. To read about how I got in a fist fight during the swim, go here. To find out how much fun I had on the bike, go here. Or you can just scroll down... thanks for reading!)

out of T2 and putting on my Garmin wristband
Time to run! I knew the run course would be hilly but I was still a little shocked when I biked the run course on Thursday. There was not a flat spot on the entire course and the hills were not just little rollers like I had hoped. The run was an out-n-back that we ran 3 times and went something like this: 2 miles up, 2 miles down, 2 miles up, 2 miles down...
After Thursday, I tried not to worry about the run portion of the race. After all, worrying at this point does not help a thing! I have become better at focusing on the things that are within my control and letting the rest go. For example, worrying about nutrition pre-race is a good thing because it means that I will have it all planned out and ready to go by race day. Worrying about the weather or the course, on the other hand, is not helpful 2 days before the race. So I just kept reminding myself that everyone has to run the same hard course and I will deal with it the best I can.
The great thing about this course is how spectator-friendly it is! My family pretty much stayed in one spot and I came by 6 times! Talk about motivation! The entire course was lined with spectators and, after a very lonely half marathon at the MountainMan, I was enjoying the cheers from friends and strangers immensely.
Karl must have taken these two pictures on my first loop when the streets were still pretty empty. As you can see later, the course filled up quickly after that and we were all part of one big sufferfest!
To be honest, the run is a bit of a blur. I figured my bike was not too shabby coming into T2 right behind Beth Walsh. What I did know was that Beth is an animal on the run and I would just have to find my own (much slower) pace. I also tried hard not to think too much about the other girls in my AG. I was having a fantastic race up to that point and, no matter what would happen, I was thrilled to be competing in my first World Championship. I had to keep pinching myself because it did not seem real.
Well, reality set in quickly after 2 loops! I had really been trying to push the pace and I was starting to feel it! I did not care so much about place or time. What I cared about was really giving it my all. Pushing to the limit. And beyond. Knowing I left everything out there. No regrets. And, I am happy to report, that I did just that! Looking back, I know that I could not have run any faster.
I had been running with a girl in my age group for about 6 miles and, boy, did she look strong and determined. It seemed like I was slightly faster than her on the uphill and then she would get me on the downhill. So with one more 2-mile climb to go, I decided to try to run away from her. Well, after the turn-around, she suddenly sped up and ... was gone! There was nothing I could do. I had to let her go. Bummer.
I was dying on that last uphill. I kept telling myself: You are running hill repeats. This is the last one. Go hard! But it was not working. My Garmin was giving me bad news as well... By now the course was so crowded that it was hard to know who was in my AG or even what loop they were on. I remember one girl passing me and, while trying to hang with her, I desperately asked: Is this your last loop? To my great relief she answered: No. My second. Phew!
I finally made it to the top of the hill. Downhill to the finish from here! I can't remember what mantra I had in my head on the uphill. (I always have one though, especially when struggling). On the last mile this is what I yelled to myself in my head:
Come one. Make it hurt. Make it hurt more!
Come on. Make it hurt. Make it hurt more!
Over. And over. And over.
Until I reached the finish line:
I immediately spotted my great friend and team mate, Colleen, who had been cheering for me tirelessly all day. After finally convincing the nice volunteer who was holding me up that I could, indeed, walk by myself, I shuffled over to her. She had great news for me: 5th place in my AG! I was, and still am, over the moon with this result!

Colleen wins the prize for best female supporter of the day!
(Karl wins best male supporter!)
I had told Karl (who was apparently also at the finish but I never saw him) before the race: If things go really well for me, I might be Top 10 in my age group. If I am able to pull off a near-perfect race and everybody else has a bad day, there is a very small chance I will make it into the Top 5. And that is what happened! I had some Race Day Magic going for me and, unfortunately, some of the top girls did not have the race we know they are capable of.

Thanks to staying on top of my nutrition, I was feeling pretty good after the race. It is always great fun to visit with friends behind the finish line and to see so many fantastic performances! But it was getting very hot and I wanted to see my family. So we headed back to the hotel and I finally got to visit with my Cherry Chubs! Thank you so much for coming down/over and cheering me on. It was very much appreciated. I know I can always count on you!
Pool. Hot tub. Feet up. Nap.
Then it was time for the Awards Party/Dinner! This was going to be a great evening anyway, but the fact that I would get to stand on the podium was so exciting! We brought the kids because a) they did not need to pay b) it was going to be so fun for them to swim in the fancy hotel pools. Well, as soon as we got there and saw that they have a nice beach area with access to the lake, a thunder storm came our direction and never quite left. Bummer!
So, of course, the kids were ready to go home before we had even finished our dinner. Luckily, they did not wait long to start the awards ceremony and I did not have to miss out!
Since it was all planned out perfectly, I was really nervous I would make a mistake and mess it all up. I finally got to meet the Top 3 ladies and, let me tell you, they are amazing! Super tough, super strong, very fast, very beautiful, and incredibly nice! I hope I get to hang out with them again some day... (4th place showed up really late and I did not have much of a chance to talk to her.)
I can't stop here. I need to give a huge shout out to everyone who has helped me along the way. And there are lots of you! Actually, I am afraid I won't be able to mention everybody.
My family - immediate and extended for their love and support!
HT training - you know I could not have pulled it off without you!
PowerTri - thank you for sponsoring me!
RMR&T magazine - love that XTERRA swim skin!
Karen - I owe you for letting me borrow our Garmin!
Papa - so glad we did not have to camp!
Heath and Dave - I was loving those race wheels!
I do have one more blog post that I want to write about this race. It will be on nutrition and gear. It will mostly be for myself, so I don't forget what works and what does not. But you are always welcome to join in on the fun!