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can't wait for some hardcore snow adventures

Not sure who came up with the saying:

There is no such thing as an off-season!

I disagree. Most definitely. I love my off-season.

(Except for the fact that I should be dialing back my calorie intake. Should be. As in: Not happening. Why is it so hard to eat like a normal person?)

If the above saying, means:

There is not such thing as lying on your couch all day
watching TV.

I totally agree!

Today was a good off-season day. Here is how it went:

P90X yoga at the gym (1 hr)
bike Noah to school
bike Max to preschool
bike on the urban trail to the edge of town (20 min)
enjoy a beautiful trail run (1 hr 20 min)
bike back home (20 min)
shower, pack snacks, check emails*
pick up the kids from school
playing at the park with many friends
relaxing at home
swimming with NAU masters - working on proper technique (1 hr 30 min)

No training plan. No Garmin. No pain. Just loving what I am doing.

It is as much of a mental break as it is a physical break. I need both. But, let's face it, I am addicting to working out. 4.5 hours of easy exercise felt great today and makes me happy. And the off-season is all about doing what makes you happy.

I have been excited to go mountain biking all year long. It's finally time to go out on the trails and acquire a few more off-road skills in paradise. Unfortunately, our only decent mountain bike is having a few too many (expensive) issues and a grad student with family can only have so many nice bikes... I shall find other ways to entertain myself!

I wrote a little article on cross-training in the off-season for RMR&T last year. If you want o read it, go here.

Hope you are well and busy having fun!

Coming home I thought: I might have time to actually blow-dry my hair today and look somewhat decent. Then I started eating and reading blogs. 10 minutes later: Mmhh. Maybe I won't blow-dry my hair. Another 10 minutes. I don't even need to wash my hair. I am going swimming tonight. 10 more minutes. Crap! I only have 5 more minutes! Do I really need a shower? Maybe I am ok without one. Oh wait! Remember how you have a thick layer of snot all over your shoulder from an unsuccessful farmer's blow? HURRY!
(I might have to stop reading your blog.)


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