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Eve Altra

No. Although tempting, I will not name my next daughter Eve Altra. I just wanted to show you my new favorite shoes. I fell in love with them back in February, when I saw them on Leslie's feet. Right away I knew I needed a pair. But they were not for sale yet. Leslie just happens to be married to one of the founders of Altra. How convenient!

I was hoping to get my hands on a pair by Christmas but Karl surprised me with a pair of Eves on my birthday! Yay!

I am not a minimalist runner. I do have some shoes that are zeroed-out and a pair of Intuitions but I only wear them on rather short runs. I like the idea but I am very cautious and not a fan of change. Some day... Maybe...

I love to wear my Eves to the gym. Boot camp, plyometrics, weight training, core synergistics, body sculpt, elliptical... Pretty much everything but cycling and running.

I hate socks and shoes. In the spring/summer/fall I wear flip flops, in the winter I wear cozy boots without socks. To the gym I wear Eves. No socks and only 4.5 ounces. Perfect for this gal!

I am not a good reviewer, so if you want to know specs and details, go here. I just go by feel and these feel great to me!


Leslie said…
Glad to hear you like them Sarah! Take them out on a nice day on a nice trail for a nice mile or two, I bet they'll be nice ;)
Joyce said…
Thoughtful blog, thanks for sharing

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