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Racing Season is here!

My first race is coming up this weekend and I could not be more excited!

Actually, now that I think about it, that's a lie... Or not. I am not sure.

Excuse me. I'd better go do some research on this race.


Ok. I am back.

Wow! Aehm. Really? I had no idea. I figured it would be your average duathlon but - turns out - it's not. It goes something like this:

Run: 3.65 miles - mostly on trail/hilly
Bike: 30 miles - includes 3! u-turns
Run: 3.75 miles - all on trail/very hilly

Who knew? I honestly had no idea although I have been signed up for this event for months now. I haven't run on trail since October and I have never been a fan of u-turns!

... 5 days later: 

Ok. This time I am back for real. I have given it some thought and have decided that: Of course I am excited for this race! Hello! It's a race after all and I have not raced since 70.3 Worlds in September. (Except for the St. George Halfmarathon but running races don't really count.) It's about time to start the 2012 racing season party! I would rather start the season off with a triathlon than a duathlon but triathlons are a little hard to come by this early in the season even when one lives in the desert. I have only competed in a handful of run-bike-run events but, as far as I can remember, they hurt much worse than swim-bike-run.

Although the very anxiously anticipated TriFest in Tucson is not until later in March, TriSports sent me an outfit in the mail today and I can now represent my new sponsor properly! Very exciting! Thank you!

Here is my (very tentative and hopefully incomplete) racing schedule for 2012:

March 31st:

April  21st:

May 19th:

June 10th: 

August 4th:

I am stoked! The first highlight is definitely Oceanside 70.3 in just a few weeks! This is the race I have been training for over the last few months and I am very excited! At the end of May, I am taking the kids and my bike* to Germany and I can't wait to be part of the Half-Distance European Championships that will be taking place in my backyard. When I signed up for this race, I had no clue what I was getting myself into** but, as it turns out, this is the biggest half-distance race in Europe and, as of this year, also the Championships! Wow. I can't wait!

*Any advice on how to best get my bike over there is much appreciated. In case anybody has a bike box they want to lend me, let me know...
**Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

I'd better stop here before I bubble over with excitement. Time to get a good night's sleep, and prepare myself the best I can for all these fun events coming up!

Happy Training to Everyone!


Leslie said…
Man, lots of excitement! That's really great you get to go back to Germany this year. Hope you survive the travel with 2 kids and a bike so you can enjoy that cool race :)
Steph said…
Looks AWESOME! Hope to see you in SG one of these days :)

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