MountainMan 2011
Karen rocked her first Half!
Good news:
I am still alive!
Taper is just around the corner!
I have never been more ready for a taper than right now!
Usually I am not a fan of taking it easy
but after the many smash festivities the last few weeks
my body is trying hard to keep it together!
Since I am either taking care of the kids,
training, sleeping, or eating, there has been no time
for a decent MountainMan race report.
Are you wondering
why I still manage to read other people's blogs
and find time for Facebook?
I can do those things while holding a spoon and stuffing my mouth.
That's why.
Oh, and I banned myself from using the computer
while taking an ice bath.
If I were able to type in the tub,
I could've written 10 race reports by now.
My body is hanging in there.
My mind, however, is about to lose it.
I must have left a few too many brain cells on the pavement lately.
I can't think.
I can't remember.
I can't function.
Basic tasks like taking a shower, going to the grocery store,
making lunch, emptying the dish washer
seem to be unsurmountable.
How can I muster up enough energy for a 4 hour brick
but having to take out the garbage
makes me want to cry?
Ah! The joys of training!
You've got to love it!
And I do - I love it.
But - at the same time -
I can't wait for this race to be over!
I need my life back!